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  • Writer's pictureYumi La Blanca

Fresh start, fresh motivation - feeling inspired by ‘Flamenco Es’

A difficult start, but…

I hope you’re all well wherever you are - actually my New Year has literally started with my recovery in health…

Feeling grateful after refilling my lost motivation in flamenco and socialising in November, the last year unfortunately ended for me with a slight disappointment. Among several incidents, the most personal blow was having to cancel a rare chance to perform due to precautions. However cautious you are, it really could happen to anyone…

So first and foremost I’d like to wish you all a healthy and peaceful year, and if I can be a little more ambitious too, I’ll try to be more active, positive, creative, appreciative and resilient than last year, despite some obstacles related to the continuing pandemic.

Refreshing motivation

Although it’s really difficult to stay motivated nowadays, in order to mark a fresh start I’d like to share some inspiring videos created by a Granada-based flamenco dancer, Natalie Solgala-Kaz. In her YouTube channel called ‘Flamenco Es’, she has interviewed her flamenco dance students on their flamenco journeys; how they started, how they changed as a person, how important it is now in their lives. As you listen to their personal and sincere stories, I hope you’ll feel energised and encouraged, just like me :)

Flamenco Is… with Lisa Koss

Flamenco Is… with Sapna

I hope to be able to see more videos of this series, and we can refresh our motivation thanks to Natalie and her lovely students.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2022!

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